

Rhoni Renee  (rhoni DOT wilkins AT gmail DOT com)


Christ follower, wife to Jon, mom to 3 boys (two adults, one high schooler), youth group leader, triathlete, and forever student. I love music and musicals and singing loudly, watching talented dancers and dancing badly, laughing, shooting the straw paper at my husband and son in restaurants, spending time with friends, and naps. I am “mom” to a very spoiled cat and a German Shepherd. I am not a morning person but I do enjoy quietly starting my day with my Bible, my Jesus and my coffee (habit that needs to be re-established). I appreciate good conversation and I LOVE PEOPLE. I also happen to have been (correctly) diagnosed with adult onset Type 1 diabetes and breast cancer in 2020.


Whenever the mood strikes


Physically – Boise, Idaho

Instagram – rhonirenee (you’ll see a lot of pics of my cat) and type1point5triahtlete (my triathlon related account)…both have mostly featured cancer stuff lately

Disclaimer: I am not a professional (except maybe a professional klutz). Any comments on nutrition or exercise or anything health related simply reflect my experience and opinions. I do not follow any particular diet. If you are paleo or keto or carbo and it works for you then wonderful! Keep doing what works for you. If you haven’t found what works for you, don’t assume that any of that will. Every body is different. If one more professional tells me “oh you can still have half a banana…” I am going to scream. No. No I cannot. My blood sugar spikes and it stays up there. Maybe some, or even most, diabetics can. Not me. Test. Try things. Keep data. Learn about yourself. It’s enlightening. And frustrating. And freeing. But also, have good communication with your doctor, coach, massage therapist, physical therapist…whoever is on your team that helps keep you put together and healthy. And I’m not just talking to the diabetics or triathletes that have stumbled upon this space. If you’re a living breathing human, you need a team. If you’re not a living breathing human then you might be in the wrong place.




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